
Kegagalan adalah hal yang wajar

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Hello guys, kali ini aku akan membahas hal yang berhubungan dengan dunia bisnis. Sebenarnya aku tidak ada basic di dalam dunia bisnis. Latar belakang keluargaku hampir semuanya menjadi tenaga pendidik (guru). Bisnis adalah sesuatu yang asing bagiku karena sejak kecil orang tuaku tidak ada yang berkecimpung di dalam dunia tersebut. Tapi kali ini aku akan memberikan semangat kepada kalian yang ingin dan sedang menjalankan bisnis. Disini aku mengutip kata-kata inspiratif dari Bob Sadino. Oh iya, bagi kalian yang tidak mengenal siapa beliau. Beliau adalah seorang pengusaha sukses di Indonesia nama lengkapnya Bambang Mustari Sadino atau akrab dipanggil Bob Sadino. Beliau berkata "Kegagalan adalah bumbu kehidupan, kegagalan membuat kita menjadi manusia tangguh". Di dalam hidup pasti semua pernah merasakan kegagalan. Apalagi di dalam dunia bisnis, pastinya tidak gampang menjadi seorang pembisnis yang sukses seperti beliau. Banyak masalah,

My wish list


New Year

New year is a celebration that must celebrated for several people, but for me new year is not like that. I think in the new year we don't have to celebrate it in an excessive way. I also don't like the noise generated from firecrackers when celebrating the new year. It's better to celebrate the new year with family and friends at home. Celebrating the new year by excessive means will cause something that is not good. Be careful when celebrating the new year outside the home. It could be that an unexpected accident will happen to us.


Holiday is something that makes everyone happy and soon holiday will be coming. I really miss my family in village, especially my sister and my parents. On this holiday I want to meet them and spend my holiday time with them. I have a plan on holiday to go together with my family. I want to go to Banjarmasin with them, and I don’t know whether it will happen or not because that is just my plan. I hope my plan will happen.


London is the capital and largest city of both the United Kingdom and England. I want to enjoy travelling in London because it is my dream country to travel. I think London is a beautiful country with many interesting building. Such as big ben, Buckingham palace, tower bridge, the London eye and other. I really want to visit and explore London. I hope in the future I will be doing that.


When I was child I want to be a doctor. I think became a doctor was something that made me happy because can help people who is sick. The clothes worn by doctor also appeal for me with long white coats and stethoscope hanging on the shoulder. It was look so cool when wear that. But, when I was in senior high school I forgot that dream. Become a doctor is not easy and it requires expensive fee. So, doctor was my dream when I was child.

Favorite Food

Food is something that every human needs for their live and  I am sure that everyone have favorite food. For me I like eating sate and meatball. Sate is a food that is made of chicken and covered with peanut sauce. Different with meatball, meatball is a food that is made of meat and then formed into sphere. I will never be bored to eat sate and meatball. I love sate and meatball.